During the Covid19 pandemic, I’ve been “sheltering in place,” thinking of ways to be helpful without risking my health or the health of others. I’ve been sharing ideas for pandemic exercise and fun with family members who are home with kids of various ages. It’s time to share them with you, my blog community! This blog begins with links to psychologists’ advice to those who are caring for children, adolescents, and college students. It continues with exercise links and activity links for young and old. This blog ends in nature and silliness ("pandemonium?").
Let’s start with some sanity and guidance for parents and guardians, provided by Marti Moss-Coane and guests on WHYY, Philadelphia’s public radio station. This Radio Times broadcast has great advice for “parenting during the pandemic.”

How are school districts dealing?
You may find the initial interview with Dr. James Hite, superintendent of Philly schools interesting. He deals with inequities among neighborhoods, the differing burdens on families, and School District resources.
You may find the initial interview with Dr. James Hite, superintendent of Philly schools interesting. He deals with inequities among neighborhoods, the differing burdens on families, and School District resources.
Advice for Parents, Guardians, Caregivers: Dr. Tina Bryson
At 14:00, find Dr. Tina Bryson’s practical and soothing advice for parents during this challenging time.
At 14:00, find Dr. Tina Bryson’s practical and soothing advice for parents during this challenging time.
“We can’t bubble wrap our children:”
Dr. Bryson’s overarching message is to be emotionally present for our children, despite our present concerns about health, finances, and security and despite our personal flaws and limitations. Remember, she says, “We set the emotional tone for our children….We cannot bubble-wrap our children and protect them from everything, but our job isn’t to fix everything, but to walk with our children through it.” Don’t over-listen to the news, she suggests, thus making our kids swim in it with us. Instead, we can help them process their emotions by helping them “name it to tame it.”
· See Tina Bryson’s webpage for more resources. https://www.tinabryson.com/#home-page
Dr. Imani Perry: What is our “mutual destiny?”
Introduced at 32 minutes into the podcast, Dr. Imani Perry suggests, “Kids all over the world are experiencing this, so trying to figure out how to usher them through this is much more important (than the academic load). Use music, dancing, jokes, she encourages, as her grandmother did during another dangerous time of Jim Crow. “Find small pleasure every day and relish them.” Both guests encourage us to raise ethical questions with older kids, in hopes they will embrace our “mutual destiny” to make a better world once we get through this crisis.
Introduced at 32 minutes into the podcast, Dr. Imani Perry suggests, “Kids all over the world are experiencing this, so trying to figure out how to usher them through this is much more important (than the academic load). Use music, dancing, jokes, she encourages, as her grandmother did during another dangerous time of Jim Crow. “Find small pleasure every day and relish them.” Both guests encourage us to raise ethical questions with older kids, in hopes they will embrace our “mutual destiny” to make a better world once we get through this crisis.
· Dr. Imani Perry’s video interview with Krista Tippett at Chautauqua Institute is here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?463088-2/breathe
· Dr. William Hite and Philadelphia School District resources are here: https://www.philasd.org
Move it or lose it?
Some of you have active children and/or you need a good workout yourself. Check out these daily aerobic exercise classes to get your heart rate up: Exercise with Joe is amazing! (Not for the faint hearted!) Or, try something meditative and invigorating, like tai chi or yoga. See resources below.
Can't beat his enthusiasm! On his YouTube Channel (Body Coach TV) Joe shares a new 30-minute YouTube class for kids daily. Scroll past his first talky intro. Tune in for daily workouts. Kids all over the world are participating, and he announces their locations with joy.
Short Workouts from NYTimes:
Here is the link for 6 and 9 minute workouts:
Here is the link for 6 and 9 minute workouts:
Not into aerobics? I do tai chi every day, and I am trying to learn the Eight Brocades, slow and meditative, Qigong exercises.

Sit in your chair for Yoga!
· Here is a 10-minute chair yoga routine with good explanations: https://www.verywellfit.com/chair-yoga-poses-3567189
Lower your expectations! There are NUMEROUS academic resources available online for children of all ages. Perhaps your child’s school has assigned a long list of activities. Remember the wise words of Dr. Bryson: “Now is not the time when you have to win the best parent of the year award… lower our expectations.” And don’t forget Dr. Perry’s advice “to find the small pleasures every day and relish them,”
The activities below can be fun for various ages of children.
Scholastic has provided various grade levels with videos and activities for pre-school thru grade-school. Remember, for beginning readers go down a grade level at least! Browse around, choose a video to watch together (I like the bunnies), then try a short activity.

We got STEM: These 18 Craft Ideas for Kids from Smart Schoolhouse are so cool! They include making giant bubble mix, microwaving soap... and crafting a geodesic dome! You likely have the materials at home. Unfortunately, you must scroll through numerous ads.
Play with beans, egg cartons, and your imagination or read with Grandma!
I video with my grandson while he shows me the cool activities his mom “cooks up” each day. They are using colorful beads, but you can also try dried beans or noodles. I’m so grateful they video-visit with me. I reciprocate by reading a story to my grandchildren to give their parents a few minutes of rest. Calvin and Hobbes are the current favorites. Do you have some elders who’d enjoy a video visit, card, or call?
I video with my grandson while he shows me the cool activities his mom “cooks up” each day. They are using colorful beads, but you can also try dried beans or noodles. I’m so grateful they video-visit with me. I reciprocate by reading a story to my grandchildren to give their parents a few minutes of rest. Calvin and Hobbes are the current favorites. Do you have some elders who’d enjoy a video visit, card, or call?
Nature heals us in mind, body, and spirit.
Some of us are lucky enough to be able to go outside. Some of us cannot. I took photos on a nature walk and sent them to my grandchildren with a scavenger hunt list of items to spot. Maybe they will draw some of the plants or make their own rock tower and play “I spy!” No nature nearby? Take my scavenger hunt nature walk with your child!
“Let's go on a spring nature walk! Who can find flowers? Two are Bloodroot and Violet. Can you find some cool rocks? Can you find some fungi that looks like turkey tails? How about a bunny tail? Can you find prickly leaves? How about a tree tunnel or red berries--NO EATING! Can you find something that looks like a tiny pine tree? It's really a moss! How about Usnea Lichen? I think it looks like a scratchy beard! Can you find a plant with a square stem? That means it’s part of the mint family. Do you have any mint in your house? Can you find a flower with stars inside? What else can you find on our nature walk! What can you find looking out your window or near where you live?
Bang some pots and pans with your neighbors, or do a "social distancing drum circle" like we did with our neighbors. The kids danced, the dogs barked, passersby honked, and we had fun drumming away our Covid-19 concerns.
May we all find and provide comfort with each other, through families, friends, and members of our local and global communities. Stay well and savor our time together.
3-24-20 Susan Gelber Cannon